The All American Quarter Horse Congress is a month-long event in Ohio, which serves as the world's largest single breed horse show. Having just wrapped its 48th year on October 26th, the Congress draws in more than 650,000 visitors from clear across the globe. It’s a fascinating spectator event, both for those deeply entrenched in equine activities as well as for those who are not.
During the weeks of show and competition, nearly 6,000 registered American Quarter Horses are housed at the Congress. Quarter Horses, particularly known for their ability to sprint short distances and execute quick maneuvers, are favorites for traditional rodeo events but can also be successfully trained in dressage and jumping. At the Congress, the quarter horses show their athleticism and agility through cutting, pole bending, reining, barrel racing and hunter hack competitions.
But where there is showmanship at the Congress, there is also “a high-end fashion show of sorts,” with “horses groomed to perfection and the people showing them dressed to the nines.”
Staff member Jordan Ferguson recently told the Columbus Dispatch, “I don’t think people realize the time it takes to get horses ready.” He explained that “braiding a mane can take an hour, then there’s often a fake tail to attach, polish to paint on hooves, oil to rub onto coats, and noses and muzzles to clip.”
At least one famous Lucchese fan stopped by the Congress this year. Cowboy boot fanatic Arnold Schwarzenegger dropped in on the competitive events taking place on October 6th.
And a heads up for the 2015 event: If you can't attend in the flesh, you can follow the competition through the Congress' impressive Horse Show Track app, which provides up to the minute information on what’s going on at the show. Better yet, Quarter Horse fans can always tune into the livestream online and watch history in the making.
Lucchese proudly sponsored several events, which saw the following 1st place winners:
Amateur Western Riding: Huver Family Trust (owner); Robert D II Huver (exhibitor)
Amateur Trail: Brittany Lofton (owner and exhibitor)
Non Pro Cutting: Gene Power LLC (owner); Constance Jaejgi (exhibitor)
World Series of Cutting Open: Desmond Robbins (owner and exhibitor)
World Series of Cutting Non-Pro: Joe Williamson
Bridleless Cutting: Terrye Ward (owner); Kevin Walden (exhibitor)
N.P. Western Pleasure Stakes: Keleena Weakley (owner and exhibitor)
2 Year Old N.P. Western Pleasure: Capital Quarter Horses (owner); Hilary Roberts (exhibitor)
3 Year Old Western Pleasure: Rusty and Katie Green (owner); Rusty Green (exhibitor)
2 Year Old Western Pleasure: Capital Quarter Horses (owner); Aaron Moses (exhibitor)