Maker: American Born Moonshine
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Wares: You guessed it… moonshine
As the high-brow craft cocktail craze keeps a firm hold on America’s mainstream, the “poison” pendulum quietly swings back to the basics in Nashville and toward mason jars full of moonshine whiskey. No frills, no nonsense — and certainly no umbrellas.
To founders Pat Dillingham and Sean Koffel, American Born Moonshine represents “the story of the indomitable rebel spirit of America.” Fittingly, the company’s slogan is “The smooth side to a rough story,” harkening back to the bleak days of Prohibition and the Great Depression.
Every ounce of American Born Moonshine is handcrafted from traditional recipes including Original, Apple Pie and Dixie — the world’s first sweet tea flavored moonshine. Explains Dillingham: “We want to pay homage to those that have demonstrated the best American ingenuity and independence by making, running and selling moonshine whiskey in order for their families to survive during most difficult times in the history of our country."